Laravel Artisan Commands

1 min readMay 5, 2021


Laravel comes with many predefined commands which make easy work for the developer. Using that command you can fulfill your requirements

  • To generate the controller run the below command
php artisan make:controller <controller name>
  • To generate the resource controller run the below command
php artisan make:controller <controller name> --resource
  • To generate the model run the below command
php artisan make:model <model name>
  • To generate the migration run the below command
php artisan make:migration <migration name>
  • To generate the request run the below command
php artisan make:request <request name>
  • To create a mailable class run the below command
php artisan make:mail <mailable class name>
  • To create a custom artisan command run the below command
php artisan make:command <command name>
  • To clear the cache run the below command
php artisan cache:clear
  • To make all configuration into a single file to loaded quickly run the bellow command
php artisan config:cache

If you are using the config:cache command during deployment, you must make sure that you are only calling the env function from within your configuration files, and not from anywhere else in your application.

  • To clear all Laravel caches run the below command
php artisan optimize:clear

There are many other commands provided by Laravel. But above commands are used on regular basis.




Written by Pinakamehta

Sr. S/W Engineer | Full Stack Web @Moweb Technologies

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